
2014 smith live music morello's schedule 2014

2014                                               2014                                                2014

Jan 15 - plan is to start up wednesday, jan 15, about 6pm.  cold weather no excuse.  season begins w smith and wade newton, probably inside.  beats tv.  join us for some rock, folk, pop, country, favorites. vocals included.

Jan 22 - rich fabec to join smith for some jazz, blues. mostly instrumental, in da bar.

Jan 29 - smith solo.

Feb 5 - foul weather, snow, ice, cold.  music cancelled for tonite.  pray for warmth.

Feb 12 - morellos is calling off til warms up for patio. stay tuned. heat is good. spring surely is not far away.


Apr 2 - may start back on patio if it warms up. solo smith.

Apr 9 - patio live music returns. jazz.

Apr 16 - wade newton covers. smith probably absent.

Apr 23 - smith plays some piano jazz for JAM = jazz appreciation month - april.

Apr 30 - melinda tolley joins smith.  probably some jazz vocals. maybe piano and bass. jazz appreciation day.  jazz appreciation month ends.

May 7 - melinda tolley returns by popular demand.  jazz vocals by melinda w smith on piano.

May 14 - wade newton covers in absence of smith.called off - too cold.

May 21 - smith solo.

May 28 - belated birthday. smith plays miles.

June 4 - wade newton joins smith. (start about 630pm). called off last minute foul weather.

June 11 - rich fabec guitar player deluxe and smith. some jazz & improv.

June 18 - bruce boone brings his sax to play with smith.

June 25 -wade newton returns with smith. vocals. classics. crowd pleaser.

July 2 - probably smith solo for the fireworks session.

July 9 -

July 16 -